Reading trend arrows

Now that you’ve gotten started with your CGM, you might be a little confused about what everything means. We’re here to break it down for you—focusing on trend arrows! While every CGM interface looks a bit different, they all have similar arrows that show where your glucose is moving.    Double arrows pointing upwards mean […]

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What we’re working on

Know more. Do more. That’s what we live by.  We are fighting for you by breaking down the barriers facing time in range adoption, and ensuring that every person with diabetes has the tools they need to live the life they want. When you use time in range to manage your glucose levels, every day […]

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What we’re about

People with diabetes deserve to spend more time enjoying life and less time doing the job of their own pancreas. This is one of our core beliefs. That’s why we’re working every day to make sure you have that opportunity.  If you or someone you love has diabetes, that means we’re talking to you! We […]

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Meet the Time in Range Coalition

  The Time in Range Coalition is working together to change the world of diabetes. Pretty easy task, right? As turns out, it’s a lot of work. But that’s not stopping us. We are people with diabetes, researchers, leaders from diabetes-focused organizations, and industry partners. Our goal is to make time in range, along with […]

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